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Ceresz [May 26, 2006 @ 10:30 PM]
What is your process :O
Eric Gerhard [May 29, 2006 @ 03:15 AM]
Beautiful lights! It's a nice composition. Congrats!
Peter [May 29, 2006 @ 03:19 AM]
it's smells like cotes d'armor !
acreese [May 31, 2006 @ 06:31 PM]
I am interested in your work. Do you do shows in Dallas? Do you sell on-line somewhere? *
Uli [Jun 01, 2006 @ 12:33 PM]
This piece is amazingly mysterious. Makes me think of "Lost".
Sparth [Jun 01, 2006 @ 04:35 PM]
uli: i'm a big lost fan, even though i haven't watched anything from season 2 yet. acreese: my schedule does not allow me to do so, for now. but in the near future, who knows?. thanks all for the kind comments.
Ceresz [Jun 04, 2006 @ 12:30 PM]
Yeah, Lost is a great show, thank god it airs in Sweden :D
HERNAN [Jun 13, 2006 @ 08:02 PM]
Hola, mi nombre es Hernan y me encanta la interpretación del espacio y la luz que impremes en tus trabajos. Espero poder ser algun dia un ilustrador como tu
Chris Keegan [Jun 15, 2006 @ 01:23 AM]
Fantastic , it makes me think what the hells going on here? really like it
sjorr [Nov 06, 2006 @ 09:46 PM]
Arent those birds on the bg the birds from moniques island? Love the trees and other scenery. it looks like DK's Island
james [Jan 28, 2008 @ 03:49 PM]